Game Explanation
The Greemerz Adventure is a type of extraction game. A Greemerz starts an 8-hour 20 minutes expedition, finds loot, and extracts from the expedition in a limited time to keep the loot.
The number of items that can be taken out from an expedition depends on the size of the backpack you are wearing. The player can take the loot by putting them into the backpack. The loot consists of various items which can be traded to Ethereum.
However, during an expedition, a player may go MIA when landing on a mine or the time expires, which will lead to losing the items looted during the expedition. Please note that there is an energy level for a move and an oxygen level for survival. Good luck to everyone on their fantastic expeditions!
Rules When players start an expedition, they can move one slot at a time, loot items, escape, and exchange the collected items for various items. If players step on a mine that appears at a low probability or if their oxygen level drops to 0 on an expedition, they will become lost and die. Going MIA means that players lose all of the items looted during the expedition Default backpack size => 4 slots Default inventory size => 100 slots When players arrive at the looting area, they must press the "TAKE" button to put the item in their bag. Conversely, if players want to discard an item in their bag, they must press "DROP". Successful extraction allows players to store their items in the inventory. After successful extraction, players should move items from the backpack to the inventory. Only the items in the inventory are used for trading. It costs 15 energy to move 1 slot in an expedition. After escaping, players should have 15 energy to start a new expedition Oxygen depletes at 1 every 5 minutes during an expedition and regenerates at 1 every 3 minutes when not in an expedition
During Beta Test - No smart contract or NFTs used - A Web2 based gaming - A Web3.ver coming soon
Extra Reminder
- Items are only for the test server. - Trading may take upto 24 hours - Discord is the fastest way to reach the Dev team
Last updated